Workforce Development
Workforce Development
One Sumter’s focus on the objectives of the Business Action Plan for Workforce Development have yielded great results in terms of strengthening relationships between the business community and the education partners of Sumter County – and have created a unique synergy around the singular goal of creating a model workforce in our community. Driven by One Sumter’s Workforce Development Strategy Team, the intentional allocation of resources in this area have been research-oriented, time-intensive, relational and financial. Bringing business and industry, the public sector at both the local and state levels, K-12 education systems, and higher education institutions together, One Sumter continues to build avenues to support the original objective of providing corporate support to Sumter County’s education priorities.
state of education
State of Education Conference at the University of Georgia – Provided tuition scholarships to educators, Board of Education members and community leaders to attend the 9th annual State of Education Conference hosted by UGA’s College of Education. dollars. The expertise behind the campaign is detailed below:
- Tripp Muldrow and Shawn Terpack, Arnett Muldrow & Associates (Greenville, SC)
- Matt Odom, Matt Odom Photography (Macon, GA)
- Horace Braswell, Codec (Macon, GA)
- Laurie Rowe, Laurie Rowe Communications (Panama City, FL)
- Nick Rizkalla, Vantage Views, LLC (Macon, GA)
- Terry Ambrose, Terry Tilley Designs (Atlanta, GA)
one sumter summit
One Sumter Summit – Hosted by Eaton, the One Sumter Summit on Education focused on College and Career Academies (CCAs), bringing an expert panel of CCA Presidents & CEOs from around the State to Sumter County, including representatives from the Technical College System of Georgia and Shaw Industries; over 50 community leaders attended the Summit.
career fair
GSW Spring Career Fair Sponsor – Sponsored Georgia Southwestern’s Career Fair, sharing employment opportunities with Sumter County businesses to pending graduates.
One Sumter REACH Scholars
One Sumter REACH Scholars – Provided financial assistance to three Sumter County REACH (Realizing Education Achievement Can Happen) Scholars in the amount of $4,500 to support their ability to attend college upon graduation. Matched by the state’s REACH Foundation, these scholars will be identified in the 8th grade and mentored throughout their education experience in Sumter County by members of the business community. Launched in 2012 by Governor Nathan Deal, REACH Georgia’s mission is to ensure that Georgia low income, academically promising students have the support needed to graduate from high school, access college, and achieve postsecondary success.
education priorities
Education Division – Partnered with Sumter County Chamber of Commerce to create new Education Division to implement key strategic objectives of One Sumter related to education priorities; and to create stronger relationships between business and industry partners, educators and administrators.